Registration Steps Must Be Completed BEFORE coming to practice!
Step 1: Fill out the Athlete Information Form. After we receive your forms, we will confirm your team membership. Athletes and parents will then receive login instructions for the NICA pitzone.
Step 1: Fill out the Athlete Information Form. After we receive your forms, we will confirm your team membership. Athletes and parents will then receive login instructions for the NICA pitzone.
Step 2: Team Communication
We use slack for all of our team messaging and communication as well as email occasionally. Once you fill out the athlete form above you will receive an email invite for slack. (Please allow 2 days.) Please download the slack app for your phone for android or apple. The team "url-name" is reddingcomposite. Make sure to turn notifications on for the app. All group communication will remain in the #general category. Double check you are in this category by going to the top left corner of the app and selecting #general. Step 3: Team dues for the season are $50 for the team and $110 paid to NICA through pitzone. Both need to be paid prior to practicing. Races are optional and an additional $55/race through NICA. Once the club dues are paid and the athlete form is filled out you will receive a link from pitzone (after Oct 31st). Club dues can be paid by cash, check, venmo @ReddingComposite or zelle 530-355-1815 (Hilari Freeman). If this creates a hardship, please contact Coach Freeman. NICA dues will be paid separately through email on NICA site. NICA offers scholarships for their portion ($110). Use this link to apply.